Grand Turbo Moneycast

Grand Turbo Moneycast takes the audience through the twists and turns of modern investment strategies, with cautions and tips along the way. The source of the expertise is Gregory Anderson of GRAnderson Wealth Management Group, who will talk at various times about any of the five pillars of healthy financial management: Investment, Retirement Planning, Estate Planning, Insurance and Tax Implications.
If 2025 were a Country Song …, January 2025, on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
We would start with a title called “Hold the Reins Tight” to describe 2025 financial investment strategy. In this episode of Grand Turbo Moneycast, Gregory Anderson warns about some challenges that we might encounter in the next 12 months, but still offers an upbeat prediction of double-digit growth in the S&P 500.
Give your tax planning a little gas, November 2024, on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
Tax planning is a year-round activity, but crunch time is November-December. In this 20th episode of Grand Turbo Moneycast, we list some of the tools available to most taxpayers, with an emphasis on oil-and-gas drilling programs. Never heard of it? That’s okay – we explain it great detail.
Gold and other glittery things, October 2024, on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
Even though precious metals are “non-correlated” to the equity market, they have also hit all-time highs. In this episode, Gregory Anderson talks about the factors contributing to the increase in value for gold and silver, along with prospects for the future. He also discusses the challenges and general appeal associated with this particular investment.
The low-down behind crypto’s wild swings, July 2024, on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
Is the bitcoin worth $55,000? Or $73,000? More or less? What day is it? Cryptocurrency has had some dizzy fluctuations in recent months, with multiple factors affecting the value. In this episode of Grand Turbo Moneycast, Gregory Anderson provides the skinny on this modern asset class.
Model portfolios: A pretty sexy idea, April 2024, on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
Don’t confuse the “model portfolios” of the investment world with the “modeling portfolios” of the fashion industry. In this episode of Grand Turbo Moneycast, Gregory Anderson explains the (huge) distinction, and how a model portfolio, with its regular rebalancing of assets, might be (probably is!) right for you.
Predictions are impossible, but we try anyway, January 2024, on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
In one of the more lighthearted episodes of Grand Turbo Moneycast, we cast a critical eye on all of last year’s stock market predictions (including our own!), and we set ourselves up for another round of second-guessing 12 months from now. Check out Gregory Anderson’s prediction for the 2024 stock market performance.
Retail stocks could be shopping opportunity, September 2023, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
A sector of the stock market that has performed surprisingly well this year is the broad collection of “consumer discretionaries.” In this episode of Grand Turbo Moneycast, Gregory Anderson explains why these big-name stocks such as Nike, Amazon, Apple, Home Depot and Tesla have successfully met some big economic challenges.
Tech stocks surge in 2023, and here’s why, July 2023, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
The technology sector has outpaced almost any other place you could have put your money in the first half of this year. In this episode of Grand Turbo Moneycast, Gregory Anderson examines the driving forces, with a focus on artificial intelligence. And the Investment Tip of the Month is highly relevant.
Calling the bank shot, April 2023, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
Banks as sure things? Only on rivers.
Trouble in the banking industry, with the closure of two huge banks, has caused some concerns in the investment world. In this episode of Grand Turbo Moneycast, Gregory Anderson explains how recent anti-inflationary tactics have shaken the banks’ foundations; and he has some advice about what you can do about it.
Obsession with recession, February 2023, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
The debate over the potential for a recession continues to rage among economists, even after two surprisingly strong quarters of growth in domestic production. Gregory Anderson of GRAnderson Wealth Management Group weighs in the topic, with an explanation of why investors should (or shouldn’t) care; and what they should do about it.
Cryptocurrency: Pet rocks or real utility?, December 2022, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
After JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon described cryptocurrency as “like pet rocks,” Gregory Anderson of GRAnderson Wealth Management Group takes a hard look at the “real utility” of bitcoin and others. In this latest episode of Grand Turbo Moneycast, he analyzes the recent plunge in the value of crypto, with suggestions on where we go from here.
Investment stories: Behind the scenes of financial planning, October 2022, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
We already knew that the financial planners at GRAnderson Wealth Management Group customized all their investment recommendations based on clients’ needs, preferences and goals. But now in this edition of Grand Turbo Moneycast, we learn how the experts arrive at those recommendations. Turns out, it’s both science AND art. Also, don’t miss the Investment Tip of the Month!
Inflation Reduction, an Act for you and me, September 2022, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
The public demanded a response from the government to help tame inflation, and Congress gave us the Inflation Reduction Act. In this episode of Grand Turbo Moneycast, we answer the question, “What does this mean for my investments?” (Hint: You might want to reinforce your portfolio in the categories of energy and healthcare.) And don’t miss the discussion about ways to profit on the possible growth of the market in lithium batteries.
After the Bear – Investing in a down market, July 2022, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
As of this episode of Grand Turbo Moneycast, all major stock markets are in a bear market. That means, indexes are down 20% from near-term highs. In Grand Turbo Moneycast, Gregory Anderson talks about what’s next, how investors can protect themselves and maybe even how they can position themselves for long-term growth.
Interest rates merit great interest, June 2022, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
When the Federal Reserve charges banks an additional 50 cents to borrow $100, the whole world seems to go bonkers – especially Wall Street. Gregory Anderson explains in this episode of Grand Turbo Moneycast why the ripple effects are so great. He also gives some historical perspective and sets our investment expectations for the future.
Energy investments in a chaotic world, April 2022, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
World events the last two years have had significant effects on energy investments. In this episode of Grand Turbo Moneycast, financial planner Gregory Anderson talks about oil, gas, wind, solar and other forms of energy investments; and he reflects upon the various scenarios in connection with the invasion of Ukraine and the COVID pandemic.
Building wealth in real estate, February 2022, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
Real estate gives your investment portfolio additional diversity, and it is generally non-correlated to the traditional stocks and bonds that you might hold. In Episode 5 of Grand Turbo Moneycast, we talk about all the ways in which you can own real estate, including REITs and sole possession of rental property; and we discuss the pros and cons of each option.
New Year’s resolutions for your portfolio, January 2022, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
It’s January 2022 — time to establish your investment resolutions. What investing habits, good or bad, do you need to reconsider as we head into a fresh 12 months? In the fourth edition of Grand Turbo Moneycast, Gregory Anderson lists diversification, due diligence and plan-making as just a few changes to embrace.
Protecting your portfolio from inflation, November 2021, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
Rising prices have created huge concerns among investors. In the third installment of Grand Turbo Moneycast, Gregory Anderson talks about the ways in which equities might prevent portfolio erosion, and he talks about investment sectors that might be most resistant to inflation.
Bitcoin, dogecoin, and other cryptic cryptocurrencies, October 2021, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
In this second installment of Grand Turbo Moneycast, we explain who might benefit most from investment in cryptocurrency. We discuss the history, the risks, the tax implications and more.
Laying the investment framework, August 2021, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
In this introductory episode of Grand Turbo Moneycast, you will learn about alternative investments, how they help diversity a portfolio, and their degree of risk. You will also hear Gregory Anderson’s opinion about the COVID-19 pandemic and how it might affect investment opportunities in coming months. Find out what Mr. Anderson means when he talks about “comprehensive financial planning.”